This Charlie Banana One Size Cloth Diapers review is based on my daughter's everyday daytime usage for 34 months. On the 34th month, inserts absorbency are performing below average. The covers are also already semi-waterproof. On the good side, the buttons are still intact, the seams of the covers are still good, and the colors remained vibrant!
We continued to use them until my daughter was 37-month-old and 39.6 pounds (more as training pants).
Read our 3-years plus journey with this cloth diaper.
When my daughter was born, I was using disposable diapers for two months straight. I haven't heard of the modern cloth diaper before. I only know the bird's-eye version that you must put together with a safety pin. Those were what people I know were using for their kids ten years ago. The idea of cloth diapering didn't appeal to me at all. I thought, why not just use whichever is convenient?
Two months passed, and one of my friends told me about cloth diapering. She asked me to Google Charlie Banana, and I was immediately attracted to the designs. I know I'm shallow. Just look at how lovely they look!
I asked around and found out that three of my other friends who had also just given birth were also into cloth diapers from day one. I asked what brands they were using, researched a lot, and finally jumped to the decision of trying Charlie Banana cloth diapers.
Three days after researching and reading reviews, I found myself carrying three boxes of Charlie Banana cloth diapers from a Mothercare store.
Each box costs around 88 USD. It was on sale! The usual price is around 115 USD for the cheapest no-design variety, so I had an upfront saving!
It had six covers and 12 inserts per box. I know, I am such an impulsive buyer! HAHA. In my heart, I was praying that I made the right choice.
What made me confident to buy in bulk was the warranty that says you can return it within a year if it gets stained (they claim it doesn't get stained). Their warranty also covers any damage to the buttons. It was already a pretty good deal to me.
The Charlie Banana One-Size Cloth Diapers
This is how a Charlie Banana pocket cloth diaper cover and insert look like:

Charlie Banana One Size Pocket Diaper Cover and Inserts
You have the option the put an insert inside the pocket and lay another insert outside for maximum absorbency.
Before washing it for the first time so I could start using it on my daughter, I poured an 8 ounce of water on it and was amazed it contained the liquid inside without leaking. I was so happy. Haha.
Look at this video I took during the 16th-month use of my stash:
After sixteen months, it still contained the same amount of water, the absorbency of the insert is simply amazing. Of course, you are not going to let your little one soak in his/her pee.
This is just to say that it can hold as much as this, even after 16 months of everyday use.
Charlie Banana For Starters
When you are just starting to use your Charlie Banana, look for the adjustable strap inside the pocket. It has a garterized strap that lets you adjust the cover from XS to XL.

Adjustable strap from XS to XL hidden inside the pocket
You can then play around with the buttons' combinations in front whichever fits the waist of your little one.

Here are the photos of my daughter wearing it from medium to extra large.
Covers Reusability
When it comes to the reusability of the covers, you have the option to reuse a cover several times as long as the pee is only within the inserts. When my daughter was younger and not a heavy wetter yet, I could reuse a cover three times and just change the insert outside. When my daughter started to become a heavy milk drinker, I could only use a cover once. One pee will soak until the insert inside the pockets, but I had no problem with leaking in the first year.
As for the quality, no buttons have yet been removed. The elasticity of the waist and around the thighs is pretty much okay compared to a new one.
How I managed to know is that we have an unused black cover that my superstitious mom wouldn’t allow me to put on my daughter. She said, “No black-colored clothing for the baby.” So look at this unused cover for comparison:
16 Months Used Versus New
The only noticeable change is how thick the inside fiber was when it was new which doesn’t have anything to do with absorbency in my opinion. Also, all my inserts have no problem with staining, except for one that my maid soaked in chlorine, it turned light yellow afterward which brings me to the next point. How do you take care of it?
How to Take Care of Your Cloth Diapers
When you buy a new Charlie Banana cloth diaper, you will see from the manual that you have to wash the inserts four to six times to obtain the maximum absorbency. That’s why my inserts are still performing quite well until now.
After every poop, you have to rinse any residues very thoroughly to avoid letting it sit for long and staining.
I am now using a wet bag and don’t soak my cloth diapers in a pail of water anymore. I have also avoided using baking soda because some of my cloth diapers are NOT okay with baking soda and I wash them all together in one load.
Make sure you wash your cloth diapers every two to three days. I personally make sure that they don’t stay unwashed for longer than three days. Never use bleach and fabric softeners. It will affect the absorbency of the insert.
As for the detergent, I was using Tide for four months as advised by other moms online. But it’s not really working. What worked was the normal baby detergent Purex.* This is something that is of personal preference, and I do not know if any moms out there are doing the same. It is just working for us, so I only carry on using it instead of Tide.
It is advisable to sundry them or hang them outside. I used to live in a place where neither is possible, but I never had any problems with indoor drying. I would just usually set the washing machine to how I wash regular clothes, and as they came out clean and spun, it would take half a day to 1 day for all of them to get dry.
The Best Part
Using cloth diapers is a safe way to start with your first baby. I only got lucky to have a baby whose skin is not sensitive, so she didn’t have a problem with using disposables for two months straight.
Using cloth diapers prevents Urinary Tract Infections, especially for baby girls, and the last thing you would want is a newborn with a diaper rash. Cloth diapers can prevent it from happening, and it is extremely economical in the long run.
My daughter has been using cloth diapers since her third month. Based on my experience, it’s good to have a one-sized variety so that you can adjust from extra small to extra large.
My stash can last me for two to three days during the third to sixth month. From 2nd year onwards, 18 pieces only can last for two days.
You also have the option to buy a disposable Charlie Banana insert* if you intend to use the covers when going out.
It is an excellent long-term investment because even after your child is done using it, it can be reused over and over again. If not, there are a lot of stores out there that accept used cloth diapers.
Provided that they are still in good quality, you can sell your stash if you decide not to have another child.
And just look at my savings per year by going cloth instead of disposables:
As for us, we USED to have an additional cost for disposables at night and for going out which reduced our savings to $420 less.
The Tough Part
Putting the insert in the pocket takes a bit of time, though. It is because the pockets are so narrow which I think is good in a way at least it stays in position even if your little one moves a lot.
Also, adjusting the straps is a bit of a struggle. But since you are only changing from one size to another maybe two months at a time, 15 minutes of struggling to adjust 18 covers’ sizes is nothing compared to the benefit of keeping it tightly on the same size no matter how crazy your washing machine spins it.
In summary, here are the pros and cons of One-sized Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers:
- Highly adjustable from XS to XL
- Excellent inserts absorbency
- You can use a disposable insert for going out/nighttime
- Narrow pockets (this I feel is both positive and negative as stated in my reasons above)
- Cute Designs
- Easy front opening
- Difficult to adjust size straps
- Narrow pockets
- Won’t fit a premature baby so you have to buy a sized one
Charlie Banana also offers sized diapers, meaning they come in XS to L.
June 27, 2016, Update:
On the days when my daughter takes more than 8 ounces of milk in an hour, it will immediately soak her diapers. There are nights when we run out of new cloth diapers for overnight, and although Charlie Banana comes to the rescue, I cannot trust it for longer than 2 hours at night.
My daughter is such a heavy wetter, and we would usually get leaks when I don’t change her nappies after 2 hours. It might be because the amount of liquid my daughter is consuming is too much for my two-year-old Charlie Banana stash.
September 28, 2016 Update:
The Charlie Banana pocket diapers continue to be my daughter’s daytime diaper. She’s getting more conscious about wetness so just one pee, and she will ask me to change it, which is every 2-4 hours (varies daily).
This is a good thing that she can now communicate every time she’s wet, no matter how little the pee is. This way, we avoid any overflowing, or “spilling.” The buttons are still in good condition, and the covers remain unstained. The inserts, however, are getting less whiter.
I still don’t use bleach and have stopped using baking soda for several months now. They still don’t stink. The best way to wash them is to rinse off the pee/poop as soon as possible (not more than 12 hours) and store them in a wet bag.
I also wash diapers every 2-3 days using a normal-temperature automatic washer. This is the best method I maintain my cloth diaper stash clean and stink-free.
Our 3-year-old Charlie Banana stash cannot be worn outside of the house for more than three hours anymore. Use old Charlie Banana stash full-time at home during the day, but never when going out.
All in all, I would say I never had any regrets about choosing this brand. It has served us for more than 3 years, and I can forgive whatever disappointment it has given us from that point onwards.
Some brands have disappointed me from day 1 while others took a few weeks or months to show some flaws. This is one of those lucky impulse buys I made in my whole life.
But if I become a mother again, I would probably go the All-In-Two way for overnight use, specifically, use the Best Bottoms All-In-Two covers* and with the Charlie Banana insert, in combination with a charcoal bamboo insert* for added absorbency. The main reason is that I already know that Best Bottoms can handle heavy-wetters. It is also way more economical in the long run compared to disposables. But I will stick to Charlie Banana for daytime use.
I can see that my Charlie Banana stash can still serve my 2nd child (not around yet) until early toddlerhood. The covers are still decent, and the inserts are still absorbent for newborns and babies that are not heavy-wetters yet.
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below, and I would gladly help in any way I can.
*affiliate links
First published on: November 7, 2015
Did you ever use this diaper for overnight (around 12 hrs straight) for your baby? If so at what ages did it work until it started to leak? I have a 6 month old son who is getting rash from his disposable diaper overnight use. I am willing to switch to cloth diaper for his night sleep. I don’t know if adding Naturally Natures insert would be too bulky for him at this age.
Hi Felicia,
To be honest, I am not confident that you can rely on this for 12 hours straight without wetting, especially that 6-month old babies are not yet potty trained. The higher the age of my daughter, the more heavy milk and water drinker she became – therefore, the more diaper changes it required at night.
Adding the Naturally Natures insert for a 6-month old child would definitely be too bulky, especially that it only comes in one size (it’s around large to XL in size).
In general, if my daughter’s milk intake at night before sleeping is around 8 to 16 ounces, I would expect to change the diaper within 1 to 2 hours, expecially when the AC or weather is cold. However, there are nights when she doesn’t take any liquid at all before sleeping, therefore the longer time it took before I had to change the diaper (around 4 to 5 hours).
I hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
Hi after reading your experience, I decided to buy Charlie banana. I got an offer to buy 18 preloved CB SHELLS with 22 m/l inserts, 18 s inserts and one opened but unused pack of disposable inserts, all for 150$. I’m confused if I should go for it. What factors should I consider while buying preloved Charlie banana cloth diapers. If bought once how long can I keep Charlie banana disposable inserts opened and unused? Can you help me in deciding?
Hi Krithika,
Are you getting the Charlie Banana cloth diaper shells online or are you able to check them personally one by one? The reason I’m asking this is that the inside of the shell has a shiny material (sort of plastic) that you need to make sure are still intact. That’s what makes the shell waterproof and helps avoid the liquid inside to leak.
Also, can you ask the seller how she/he used to wash the shells and inserts? Red flags are bleach, baking soda, vinegar, fabric conditioner…anything that is not “just detergent” can affect the absorbency of the inserts.
As per the disposable inserts, I have honestly did not get the chance to use them. But I am guessing that they should work like normal disposable diapers. You’ll know by their looks and smell if they are still good to use.
I hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
Hello! I’m new to cloth diapering and came across your post. I was able to buy a few preloved CBs recently and was just wondering if the inserts are really yellowish or do you think the previous owner used bleach on them that’s why? I hope it doesn’t mean they’re damaged! Thank you!
Hi Aya,
There’s a possibility of bleaching. Too much bleaching can turn whites to yellow. Only one way to find out if it is damaged. Do a test on the inserts. Measure water (probably around 4 ounces to start with), and see if it can still be absorbed without dripping.
I hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
Will try that, thank you!
You’re welcome. 🙂
I also have loved our Charlie Bananas which we have been using from early age on our first. However we started getting leaks, mostly at the seams. I am not sure if we damaged the PUL at the seams where the stitching is when adjusting the sizes, or some other poor wash/dry routine. We have improved our wash/dry routine since researching but not sure if we have permanently damaged our nappies. Might just be with a toddler they just can’t cope now! She is toilet trained, just night times but we are looking at getting ones that are better for night times for her. But hoping that our current stash of Charlies will be okay for the next child.
Hi Hannah,
Thanks for sharing!
What I noticed about our stash is that once you use bleach on it, the shiny part (thin plastic-looking lining), can get damaged. I noticed this when I saw one of our Charlies soaked separately in bleach by our helper. The main color faded, and the inner lining was destroyed. It’s probably because the bleach was concentrated.
That said, I believe that, concentrated or not, we should not bleach at all, and instruct whoever is helping us to wash, to stick to a strict washing “rule.”
I ALWAYS hang them dry after spinning, never used a dryer on them. This helped take care of the garters.
As for the night time use, I believe that we cannot rely on them for heavy-wetter toddlers who are NOT potty-trained yet.
During potty-training, I would still check on the nappies every 3-4 hours (I sleep late/we co-sleep), so checking every now and then is not an issue. As long as the tummy part and the inner thigh parts are tightly sealed, we don’t get leaks. But times when she would move a lot, it leaves a huge gap in the inner thigh part – that’s when we get leaks.
My daughter is already potty-trained. So long as I let her pee as much as she can before going to sleep, and no more liquids after that, she would wake up in the morning, dry, if not, just a little bit wet.
I never used cloth diaper for my baby. May I will give a try this time.
Hi Kavitha,
Let me know how it goes. 🙂
I just got a charlie banana diaper yesterday and want to also order a few bum genius ones the pocket kind. How are they?
Hi Jerin,
I have a separate review of the Bum Genius Pocket Diaper on this link.
You can also find the comparison of the Charlie Banana Pocket Diapers and the Bum Genius Pocket diapers on this link. 🙂
I hope this helps!
I have invested in CB banana diapers in spite of the doubt from my wife and in-laws (who are all convinced disposable is just much more efficient and cleaner and don’t like how the CB’s make his clothes look bulky). Everything is going well and I’m demonstrating effectiveness of the CB’s except for the staining of the actual inserts (the fleece that goes against the skin seems to wash just fine). I’m washing them well after being soiled, and adding a combo of vinegar and concentrated lemon juice to the wet diaper pail, and exclusively using CB detergent but there’s still a faint yellow stain. Our lo is exclusively breastfed, which makes me wonder how the staining will be once we get him on solid foods. Any suggestions?
Also did you used to try doubling up on inserts at night for your daughter and did that work at all with CB?
Hello there,
May I suggest not adding any form of additives at all (vinegar, lemon juice, even baking soda) as they may affect the absorbency of the inserts in the long run.
What I do is I make sure to rinse off the poo (the same time I clean my daughter’s bums) before I put the cloth diaper in this wet bag. I also rinse the pee asap (no longer than 24 hours) before storing the diapers in the wet bag while it waits for washing.
Wet pail made my stash stink so I avoid soaking any unwashed cloth diaper.
I used one piece of insert when my daughter was younger. I doubled up when she became a heavy-wetter toddler.
Its overnight reliability really depends on how much milk/liquid your child takes before sleeping. That would be unpredictable for younger babies who feed on demand – you’ll have to double up the insert. But you’ll be able to manage easier when your child becomes a toddler as you can somehow “predict” how much wetness to expect and when to change it before it starts to soak your bed.
She’s using it as a training pants now (with one insert for accidents). She’s turning 4 in March and we still don’t have problems with staining. 🙂
I think the “secret” is making sure to wash off any poo asap and making sure there’s nothing left (even slight yellow) before storing them in the wet bag.
I hope this helps.
GroVia Cloth Diaper is slim fit but super absorbent. Choose from an all-in-one diaper or try a hybrid that can be used with a reusable soaker pad or disposable inserts. Although the all-in-one diaper works great, it’s the hybrid system that will turn you into a GroVia fan.
Hi Jerin,
Our experience with the Grovia hybrid system is the contrary. Here’s my review of the Grovia All-In-Two cloth diaper. It’s one of our least favorite options. 🙁
Thank you so much for this blog.
So from my understanding, and also asking other parents, Charlie Bananas and BumGenius are the ones to go, style-absorbency-quality-economically etc. So I have a question, seeing that the BG have better absorbency and are quite thin rather than the CB. Could you combine the covers of the CB with the inserts of the BG? CB now has a doble side inserts for more absorbency, but apparently it would look very bulky. So whats your intake on combining both brands?
Thank you.
Hi Jime,
Yes, you can use the Bum Genius inserts inside the Charlie Banana covers. However, the width of the one-size insert is a little wide compared to the width of the largest setting of the Charlie Banana. You can force it to lay flat, it will fit, but with minor crumples. Other than that, the combination works.
The one thing to think about is, what will you do with the Charlie Banana inserts that come with the Charlie Banana pocket diapers upon purchase? It usually comes with 2 inserts (small and med/large). It will be a waste not to use it.
However, after several years of using the CB inserts and you feel that it is not performing according to your desired timeframe, then purchasing the Bum Genius One Size inserts will help.
I hope this helps.
I am a grandmother who used the ‘old fashioned’ cloth diapers for all of her boys. I will be a new grandmother for the 2nd time soon (24 years between our granddaughters) and will be babysitting part time for her.
Since my diaper ‘stash’ is long gone I started researching cloth diapers. We Had never hear of Charlie Banana or any of the other cloth diaper brands until two weeks ago. After researching on Amazon and reading lots and lots of reviews – I ordered 18 from eBay. They are beautiful and I have washed and sun dried them already. ;0)
I just happened onto your site and appreciated your thorough review and hope that these gently used diapers will work well for our granddaughter (and me!). I did not realize that they could lose heir holding capacity as they aged. Would buying new inserts remedy this problem if it occurs? Or is it the outer shell that loses its ability to contain wetness?
Thanks for the nice review. Makes me feel better about my purchase. Even gently used Charlie Banana diapers are quite expensive – compared to the diapers we used years ago.
Hi Marie,
Did you ask the seller how “gently” they have been used? Maybe you can also ask (if that is not too late at this stage), how they washed it. Sometimes, when they are washed with fabric conditioners, bleach, baking soda, vinegar and other additives, the inserts absorbency, especially, depreciate. At least you can have realistic expectations when you know the answers.
Buying new inserts would help, but covers age too! If you look closely on the inside part of the pockets, you will notice that the inner lining is made of a very thin “plastic-looking” material. You will see it clearly when you turn the covers inside out as in the below photo.
Hopefully what you bought are all still “shiny” inside. 🙂
I hope this helps.
Great review! I hadn’t really thought about using cloth nappies before but your review has really opened my eyes. My son is 21 months and uses normal nappies (non cloth) and is approaching the potty training stage, I feel these cloth nappies will help him identify when he’s wet and he may then ask for a change more often compared to the regular nappies which absorb the wetness. How do you handle the cloth nappies when your baby soils it? I think that’s what I’m afraid of! lol
Hi Gus,
That’s actually quite common for first-time cloth diaper users to “fear” handling soiled nappies. :-p A toilet sprayer is a MUST in my opinion. Also, a SprayPal can “shield” you and the surrounding areas from splatters.
This is a complete guide on how you can handle dirty cloth diapers. 🙂
Hi Pitin,
Thanks for the great review! I think based on this review, I will order a 6 pack of CB to try out. My wife and I are expecting in March, and the cloth diaper universe is so vast with options, it was really helpful to read this.
I do have one question about pocket diapers versus all in two diapers. With pocket diapers, can’t you just put the insert on top of the pocket, instead of in the pocket? Wouldn’t doing that essentially turn the pocket diapers into a all in two? I don’t really understand what’s so different about pocket diapers and one in twos, other than the fact that the pocket diaper gives you the option of putting the inserts into a pocket.
Hi Dave,
When my child was less than 1-year-old, I used to put the inserts outside the pocket because she was not a heavy wetter yet. She would only wet the insert but not the cover – therefore, I can reuse the cover until she wets it.
If you choose an All-In-Two cover with a wipeable material, you can wipe it as soon as it’s wet and air dry it for 30 minutes to 1 hr and REUSE IT AGAIN. Unlike when you wet a pocket diaper cover which is not wipeable.
If you use a wipeable all-in-two cover, you can save laundry time because although you might end up using the same number of inserts as pocket diapers, you save the number of covers you need to use in 1 day.
Based on experience, whenever I use a wipeable cloth diaper cover (The best I recommend is Best Bottoms cover – MY REVIEW HERE), I would only consume 2-3 covers within 24 hours. That’s a huge difference compared to using pocket diapers in general which can take up to 8 pieces of covers in 24 hours.
BUT a good feature you will come to appreciate about pocket diapers is when your child becomes a toddler and keeps running around while you try to change diapers. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to put an All-In-Two in them but it is possible to put on a pocket diaper on a running toddler, LOL.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for the tips! Really appreciate it.
It sounds like from your posts that at the end of the day, if you were going to do it all over again, the Best Bottoms would be your diaper of choice. But I was wondering if that would still be your choice if laundry was not an issue. We do laundry in our house daily anyway, so to be honest doing an extra load of diapers would not be a hassle. From a purely functional standpoint, would you prefer the Charlie Bananas or the Best Bottoms?
Hi again Dave,
If laundry is not an issue, I’d probably go for an All-In-One type. These are the types you would just put on to your child as if you are using a disposable diaper. You don’t need to stuff inserts in the pockets because the inserts are already sewn onto the cover. But acquiring a stash of All-In-Ones can be EXTREMELY expensive, especially that they don’t dry so fast so you would need to get more if you are going cloth all the way.
I’ll use Best Bottoms because laundry cost can add up in the long run (electricity, detergent, water bills). I used to think that laundry is easy because I used to have a helper who does the loading, unloading, hanging, and stuffing the inserts inside the pockets once everything is dry. That can be pretty tiring if you do it yourself every day for 3 years, LOL.
Now that I don’t have a helper anymore, I try to limit my laundry time to 2x a week. Using pocket diapers in general ends up to at least 24 pieces of covers and 48 pieces of inserts used for 3 days straight. That would be two loads of washing in my case.
My daughter honestly prefers the Charlie Banana diapers. Not only because she’s so used to it, but also because the texture of the fabric (fleece-like) of the cover interior is softer compared to the texture of the Best Bottoms insert. However, when I use a Charcoal bamboo insert on top of the best bottoms insert, she doesn’t seem to mind the texture anymore. But it is a very bulky combination.
From a functional standpoint, I would still go with Charlie Bananas for daytime but Best Bottoms with a charcoal bamboo insert for overnight use and when going out.
Got it, thanks! We also have a helper who can assist with the laundry portion, so that’s why I was thinking laundry isn’t an issue. We live in Hong Kong where Charlie Banana has a factory and is readily available, whereas the other ones cost an arm and a leg to ship out here, so we may start with the Charlie Banana set, and go from there. Thanks!
That’s great! You’re welcome. 🙂
Would you say using a cloth diaper is better for children, more comfortable or it depends on the parents?
Do you think cloth diapers are more suitable when we start toilet training? Would they help my little one understand that he needs to go to the toilet?
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for dropping by my site. I can say that using cloth diaper is better for children IF managed properly. I am mainly referring to changing it on time to avoid rashes. Busy parents don’t have time to keep on checking it, so they resort to using disposables which tend to last longer. However, when kids are on disposables almost 24/7, there are several things to keep in mind. First, like cloth nappies, they should be changed every 4 hours at most to avoid UTI and keep the skin feeling fresh as disposables tend to be less breathable than cloth diapers.
Also, I believe that it is easier to toilet train cloth diapered babies because they can recognise wetness and therefore feel uncomfortable and communicates it to their parents. Kids using disposable nappies tend to feel more comfortable and therefore delay the process of learning to use the potty.
Really great post! I have read a bit about cloth diapers but never really understood how they would work, but you explained everything so well and in great detail! I think in the long run cloth diapers would be the better option, especially if they can last so long. I don’t like using something just once and throwing it out, seems like a waste, which would be the case with regular diapers. I think you have sold me on the idea of resuable diapers! Just recently found out I am pregnant so this information is very useful to me! Thanks so much
Hi Summerly,
Thanks for dropping by my site. 🙂 I think cloth diapers are better, but it depends on your lifestyle and what type/brand of cloth diapers you will end up using. Some are traumatized from Day 1 just because their research pointed them to the cloth diapers that turned out to be a major disappointment. But if you find the cloth diaper that pleases you, then you are lucky. I also don’t like the idea of throwing something out every few hours (disposable diapers), that’s why we use cloth full time nowadays. By the way, congratulations! 🙂
Hi Pitin, thanks for the review on Charlie Banana diapers. I’m thinking about buying some for a friend who just had a baby. I used cloth when my kids were little and these are so much cuter. I used to leave my nappies in a bucket with baking soda but I see you use a wet bag. Can you tell me what this is, how it works and where do I get one from? Thanks. Janeen
Hi Janeen,
This is the exact wet bag I am using. It is basically a zippered and water-resistant bag that conceals the smell of the soiled cloth nappies. I used to do the “wet pail” system, too – that is soaking the stinky diapers in a pail of water until it is washing day. But you know what I learned from my 2 and a half years of cloth diapering? It is better to rinse away the pee/poo within 12 hours (the more immediate, the better) and then keep them inside the wet bag while waiting for the washing day. When is it already time to wash, just throw in everything including the wet bag to the washer. Not only does the cloth diapers come out stink-free, the wet bag also doesn’t absorb all the smell so it will come out clean and stink-free, too. I got mine from Amazon.
Hi there. Your little one is a cutie! I never used Charlie Banana diapers for my boys, but they look like they would have been a great choice for pocket diapers.
Keep spreading the word about modern cloth diapers! There are so many benefits and many new parents just don’t know about them.
Hi Racheal,
Thanks for dropping by my site. 🙂 My daughter is already 2 and a half years old, and she likes wearing it every day. I will soon convert the covers to training pants (just remove the inserts).
Hello there,
Where I come from, cloth diapers are very popular but they are not as fancy as the Charlie banana ones you reviewed.
My biggest issue with cloth diapers has been handling a poppy diaper. You talked about how well it can absorb fluids. I will like to know how well it can handle stools. I am expecting in a couple months and this might be a good and less expensive option for me.
Hi there Denise,
Thanks for dropping by my site. The Charlie Banana cloth diapers has well-handled my daughter’s stools especially until early toddlerhood. I have to be honest with you that during the days that my daughter had diarrhea for 2 weeks when she was 8 months old, the Charlie Banana covers cannot contain them. It was a lot and too fluid so we had to resort to using disposables. Other than that rare occasion, I can say it can handle stools in normal day to day cases.
I hope this helps.
Hi Pitin!
My wife and I are very much impressed with the Charlie Banana Cloth Diaper. To use this product makes financial sense and it is also very practical. The variety of colours surely appeal to mothers!
Hi Ronald,
Thanks a lot for dropping by my site. The “looks” of these diapers are what appealed to me from the start, and I realised the benefits later on. It has indeed helped us save more than $2,000 on diapers alone up to this date. 🙂 I can say it was a lucky move to grab them on impulse. :-p
My Mom always told me endless stories about how tough it was with Cloth diapers, the thought of it always repulsed me!
But these ones, I love the designs. And I like that you have shared your experiences.
Are they not really cumbersome for the baby? As the ones I have seen, admittedly not this brand, always look so massive and heavy?
Hi Ruth,
I might assume that your mom is referring to the older kinds of cloth diapers, namely FLATS and PREFOLDS. These are what the older generations used. They are one piece of cloth that they have to fold and pin (usually with a safety pin) in the older days. While they are still existent nowadays, a lot of other types of cloth diapers are now available. And they are not bulky! You can go and check out some of the diapers I reviewed. There is an All-In-One system which works like a normal disposable except that you can still customise the absorbency. There is also the All-In-Two system which is a two-piece kind of thing. You can only have a few covers and you lay the inserts inside like how we put our menstrual pads, and throw them when they are soaked (in this case, you are throwing the inserts for washing). There is also the pocket system in which you stuff the soakers/inserts inside the pockets of a diaper cover. These are just few of the examples of modern day cloth diapers which modern moms like us are very lucky to have access to.
I became a father recently and I’m spending a lot on my baby diapers.I’m searching for something which could save money and as well meet the needs.
Hi there,
You can try checking out some of the different types of cloth diapers I reviewed. I am sure you can find one that fits your lifestyle. The best part is, regardless of which you choose, you will end up saving more in the long run compared to when you keep on using disposables. 🙂
Hi Pitin!
I am really sad I just now learned about these cloth diapers. I wasted so much money on diapers-it’s amazing! I could have saved a lot of money had I know about these.
Hi Julie,
That’s okay. 🙂 There’s always a next time, hehe. :-p
With a new arrival in our family soon, I was interested in the diaper changes that have happened!
What a pleasant surprise to see your reviews on cloth diapers! The product has changed since I paid attention!
You did a great review of the brand and style of this diaper! I was also surprised by the buttons that are used! No big safety pins! No need to search further! I already know what I wanted to know!
Hi Sami,
Congratulations and welcome to the new addition to your family. 🙂 Thanks for checking out my review. I am glad it helped. If you have any other question, don’t hesitate to come back and ask away.
This is a really useful site for me now! I’m going to be a father in just one month now. Thank you for providing ideas, especially on these cloth diapers. I think we’re going to stick to disposable diapers. There’s a lot of reasons why, and the biggest is probably the time saver. We only get to sleep when our baby girl sleeps. I’d rather not be spending time cleaning diapers when we could be sleeping.
Hi Benjamin,
First of all congratulations and welcome to the club. 🙂 Your decision to stick to disposable diapers is of course fine. It all boils down to how your perceived lifestyle after the baby is. But thanks for checking out my review, it probably means you gave the cloth diaper the benefit of doubt. 🙂 Well just in case you changed your mind later on, I have several cloth diapers that I am still testing out for night time use everyday. You might be interested in finding out how they performed as well.
I love your photos! Your daughter is adorable!
I loved using cloth diaper with my kids. With my first daughter, there was no such thing as a pocket diaper, but we managed well.
With my 3rd child, I loved using pocket diapers with a built-in cover, it was so much more convenient.
I never used this particular brand, but they look like they would be really good. I love the money that is saved from using cloth diapers, and once you get in the flow of taking care of them, it is an easy task.
If someone was just starting out with cloth diapering, how many diapers would they need?
Hi Andrea,
When I was just starting out, I followed a fellow mom’s advice to get at least 18 covers and 36 inserts. That is if you are already sure of the brand and type of cloth diaper you are getting. However, I would say to get at least 3 covers and 6 inserts first to try it for a day or two and see how it performs on your side and how is the convenience. Some parents don’t like pockets and prefer the All-In-Two for example, so I would say, it is fine to get a few first to try out.
I have Bum Genius pocket diapers, too! I only recently got them since I wanted to test them for overnight use and compare it to my Charlie Banana. I have only used Pocket diapers for the past 23 months. Recently, I have been trying out the All-In-Twos and Pre-folds. I know, it’s a bit too late but I got curious. I am doing it for the benefit of my readers to know the difference based on a first hand experience. I’ll be writing comparisons soon!
Yes, I had experience with bad-smelling diapers when I was still using Tide. I got the “Tide advice” from a fellow mom blogger but it was not effective. What worked for us is rinsing diapers with water before putting them in a pail with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Also, we machine wash them every 2 to 3 days. We use the “soak” mode and put 1 tablespoon of baking soda too. We use the brand Purex which is a normal detergent for baby clothes. We haven’t tried the Charlie Banana detergent soap as officially advised by the manufacturer. I am guessing the smell-free diapers is all thanks to the baking soda. 🙂
I can’t believe how many options there are for cloth diapers! I used cloth diapers on both of my kids. But the pocket style ones didn’t work for my daughter. She always leaked through them.
I had to use the ones where you added the cover separately. I think they were called fitted diapers. But the pocket ones worked for my son. I used many different brands.
My sister is pregnant now and I am trying to convince her to use cloth. She thinks it’s a bit gross, but I know I can convince her.
These Charlie Banana cloth diapers are so cute. I think I will get her a few and hopefully she will be hooked!
Hi Simone,
What pocket diaper did you use for your daughter? The one that you need to add the cover separately is called All-in-Two. It’s more flexible I think since you have the option to use different kinds of inserts such as bamboo which is more absorbent. I still love my Charlie Banana but they are almost 2 years used already. I recently bought different brands to try them out for a 2-year old overnight use and I will review them as well. 🙂 I hope you can come back to check it out as well.
Hi Pitin,
I used many different brands of pocket diapers for my daughter. I remember there was one brand I liked the best, but I can’t remember now what they were called (she is almost 9 now). I am interested in reading your article about overnight diapers. I ended up using disposables overnight with both kids because they would always soak through the cloth ones and would wake up crying.
Hi Simone,
Thanks for sharing your experience with cloth diapers. I can say that because it was 9 years ago, the cloth diaper’s absorbency now have greatly changed. There are now brands that claims to be used for overnight. I have lately been testing them out every night, can’t wait to get my reviews out. 🙂 We also ended up using disposables overnight during my “tired months” but now that I am back on my feet, I can afford to change cloth diapers again 2 to 3 times per night depending on how often my daughter would ask for milk. I know it’s not advisable to keep on giving her every time she asks. But she is such a hungry toddler especially during early mornings, sometimes she can finish more than 20 oz (please don’t judge me, I know, it should not be the way,lol). I would usually anticipate to change the diaper for every 8oz feeding since according to my insert absorbency test, although it can contain the 8oz liquid, it would probably not be comfortable for her anymore.
Great post about Charlie Banana diapers. Very useful and practical for every future mom. I love your website with all those lovely photographs of the kids. Is that your daughter on the photograph above “2 years old”?
I really like the designs of the diapers, so even if it won’t be really cost saving for me because of the mailing costs, I think I still might order them.
Hi Sandy,
Yes, that’s my daughter. 🙂 Thanks for checking them out. Amazon has FREE Global shipping to selected countries. I recently bought different brands (and kinds) of cloth diaper to use for overnight and compare them to Charlie Banana and they shipped it to me for FREE. I am located in Singapore. 🙂 When you select an item, check the box that says Free Amazon Global Shipping. I am totally hooked since it’s always cheaper to get items from there most of the time. 🙂
These have really come in in style, design and effectiveness since my twins were born 16 years ago! We only used disposable as the thought of dealing with double doses of dirty nappies didn’t appeal at all. As a family doctor I see lots of babies with nappy rash due to prolonged skin contact with soiled nappies. This tends to be more of a problem with non-disposables as disposable lock away moisture effectively. With regular checks, use of protective barrier creams and enzyme-free washing agents this shouldn’t be a problem though. Almost wish I had another little one to try these on! Thanks.